Digiplexis 'Foxlight Ruby Glow'

Digiplexis 'Foxlight Ruby Glow'

A standout.

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Foxglove Foxlight ‘Ruby Glow’ is an exciting breeding breakthrough. A crossing of Isoplexis (in the same genus – Scrophulariaceae from the Canary Islands) with Digitalis to come up with a whole new plant! Colloquially known as Digiplexis, it is most definitely garden worthy. Frost hardy with excellent vigour, they have more than proven themselves in our trial garden.

Show stopping colour with impressive upright stems of bold blooms. Unlike most Foxgloves which come and go within six weeks, Illumination Foxgloves can flower for up to an incredible six months and they are multi branched so you are getting more flowers than ever. The iridescent flowers are self cleaning and endure over two seasons. Oh and the plant will last for many years.

The bright colours alone make it a stand out. The florets are outward facing which allows you to see right in and appreciate the intricate colouring. The mix of raspberry and peach is unquestionably eye catching.

Foxlight Foxgloves are infertile, so bloom for an extensive period. They are propagated vegetatively so you are assured they will flower true to type.

Foxlight Foxgloves have low mounding green foliage and tall, strong spikes. They make excellent cut flowers.

Foxglove blooms start to open at the bottom of the stalks and gradually move upward providing a long show of fantastic colour. This large showy plant is a striking addition to any garden.

Foxgloves look best grouped toward the middle or back of a bed, where their tall blossoms add colour. Plant Foxgloves into well drained soil and keep moist in active growth.

Supplied as: Pots
Size: 10cm



Botantical name

Digitalis purpurea x Isoplexis canariensis






Late spring to autumn


Cool to Mediterranean


Australia wide

Frost hardiness

Fully Hardy


Full Sun to Semi Shade

Supplied as




Water needs