Digiplexis Collection

Digiplexis Collection

Seasonal highlights.

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Show stopping colour with impressive upright stems of bold blooms. Unlike most Foxgloves which come and go within around six weeks, Illumination Foxgloves can flower for up to an incredible six months and they are multi branched so you are getting more flowers than ever. These plants can easily perennialise and last for many years.

Digiplexis look best grouped toward the middle or back of a bed, where their tall towers of blossoms add beautiful colour and vertical interest. In the Dandenongs they remain evergreen and their low growing foliage rosettes are rather handsome. For us they flower from November to April.

These plants are an innovative cross between the hardy Digitalis and a rare plant from the Canary Islands, Isoplexis canariensis. This cross has become known as Digiplexis. The resulting plant is strong growing with excellent resistance to rust and fungal spotting and boast plenty of blooms. They are semi evergreen, rather than biennial.

Plant into moderately fertile to humus rich, well drained soil and keep moist in active growth. Remove spent flowers to encourage more blooms.

Digiplexis Collection, one of each variety separately labelled. Includes Illumination ‘Raspberry’, ‘Firecracker’, ‘Falcon Fire’ and Foxlight ‘Ruby Glow’.

Digiplexis Collection Valued at $66.00, SAVE $3.50.

Supplied as: Pots
Size: 10 cm



Botantical name

Digitalis purpurea x Isoplexis canariensis






Late spring to autumn


Cool to Mediterranean


Australia wide

Frost hardiness

Fully Hardy


Full Sun to Semi Shade

Supplied as



10 cm

Water needs