Clematis 'Balearica'

Clematis 'Balearica'

This climber has it all!

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This climber has it all, it is evergreen, produces perfumed flowers in winter and is quick to establish!

The abundant blooms (6cm) are cream to lemon with decorative maroon speckles. The soft, citrus perfume is delightful but certainly not overbearing. Once the flowers have finished they are followed by whorled, silver seed heads. These pendent flowers are best enjoyed from below.

The fine, deep green foliage has a purple/bronze blush in the cool of winter. It is from the Balearic Isles, where it was discovered in 1783. It is commonly known as Fern Leaved Clematis

Clematis cirrhosa var. balearica is in pruning group 1, which is easy to care for, they flower on old wood, so you just have to trim to tidy once the flowering finishes.

Hardy to frost and suitable for gardens or pots. Clematis cirrhosa var. balearica is simple to grow, up trees, pergolas, fences or rambling through beds. They will flower best in a spot where they can enjoy winter sunshine.

As a rule of thumb, Clematis tend grow well where Roses grow well. They are also excellent in combination. You can use similar colours for a lovely blend or create some drama with complimentary shades. In fact, Clematis intermingle well with many plants – trees and shrubs especially as they can be used for climbing in a beautiful symbiosis. They are so versatile, you can even grow them in pots.

The old saying is to plant your Clematis so their ‘head’ is in the sun and their ‘feet’ are in the shade. In other words, they like their root zone to be cool and protected while their tendrils enjoy the sunshine. In exposed positions this can be achieved with mulch and or by using other plants to shield the roots from the sun. The plant should be allowed to grow up into a sunny position.

Clematis can be trained to grow on a trellis, fence, through trees and shrubs, along pergolas or any where you like! They will need something a centimetre or less to twine around in order to climb. They are so versatile, you can even use them as a ground cover.

To perform at their best, Clematis should be fertilised well. Use a Rose Fertiliser every three months or so when they are actively growing.
Grow Clematis in humus rich, moist, well drained soil. They need good drainage or the roots will rot. Plant Clematis so they will receive around six hours sun a day and shield from the hot afternoon rays. You can even choose to grow your Clematis in pots. The longer they have to establish, the more generous they will become.

Supplied as: Pots
Size: 10cm



Botantical name

Clematis cirrhosa






Winter to Spring


Cool to Mediterranean


Australia wide

Frost hardiness

Fully Hardy


Full Sun to Semi Shade

Supplied as




Water needs