Foxglove (reduced) Collection

Foxglove (reduced) Collection

Handsome vertical elements.

This product is not available this season.

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These tall, showy, biennial plants are a striking addition to the garden because they add a nice element of vertical colour. Foxgloves, or Digitalis look best grouped toward the middle or back of a bed, where their tall blossoms will create moments of joy.

Foxglove blooms start to open at the bottom of the stalks and gradually move upward, providing fantastic, successive colour over the weeks.
Plant Foxgloves into well drained soil, water in and keep moist in active growth. This short lived perennial sets viable seed which can be left to naturalise, or collected for sowing. They will flower from the seed in their second year.

Our tip – if you are keen to cut the flowers and want to get the best longevity, cut them in the morning, when the florets are one third to half open. Put them into water right away or they tend to wilt.

The individual flowers are about the size and shape of a thimble. Fairies are said to have sewn gloves for foxes from their petals, so they could sneak in and steal the chickens.
Foxglove Collection, one of each variety separately labelled. Includes ‘Carillon’, ‘Berggold’, ‘Pam’s Choice’ and ‘Pink Gin’.
Foxglove Collection Valued at $58.00 SAVE $3.00.

This collection has been reduced in range and price as Foxglove 'Carillon' has sold out.

Supplied as: Pots
Size: 10 cm



Botantical name

Digitalis purpurea






Late Spring to summer


Cool to Mediterranean


Australia wide

Frost hardiness

Fully Hardy


Full Sun to Semi Shade

Supplied as



10 cm

Water needs