Our site was located on the corner of Victoria Parade and Nicholson Street at Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show. We had a triangular site with six large trees. We worked within heritage regulations to create a design that was sympathetic to the landscape and wouldn’t damage the trees or ground.
Every year we like to do something a little different to keep it fresh. Our main aim is to show off the beauty of spring bulbs and how easily they can be used to create a stunning display.
Our Tulips and Hyacinths had been imported from The Netherlands and ‘tricked’ into flowering in our autumn. They were grown in crates indoors, just as they would be for the cut flower industry.
First we laid the hessian down to protect the grass. Then we placed the crates of flowers according to the design.
We used some of Fleming’s Nurseries magnificent trees to soften the marquee and add an element of height and texture. This year we used Acer ‘Crimson Sentry’, Crabapple ‘Royal Raindrops’ and Lorepetalum ‘Fire Dance’.
Once this was done, we added mulch to create an undulating landscape that we then laid turf on top of. This created a naturalised planting affect.
In addition we added some hard landscaping. The seating we incorporated into the design was very well received amongst weary visitors to the show!
Flooring was laid around the pathways and our stock is located on top of this beneath marquees.
Around 99% of what we used is recycled and used again somewhere on our farm.