Matisse Oriental Lilium 'Red Morning'
Sunrise shades.
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Magnificent perfumed blooms for summer. The deep red petals have a bronze to apricot border and heart.
Lilium ‘Red Morning’ is an O.T. hybrid, which means it is a cross between an Oriental and a Christmas or Triumph Lily. So you get the best of both worlds, trumpet shaped blooms with good fragrance.
These Lilies will knock your socks off! Matisse Oriental Lilies are look best planted in groups of three or more, and we suggest you plant a few extra just for picking!
These ostentatious flowers command attention. They are wonderfully versatile and make it easy to create an indulgent display of colour for summer. Gorgeous in the garden and perfect for potting and cut flowers too.
Their heady fragrance permeates the summer garden with its sophisticated notes. As well as adding glamour and fragrance to the garden, these Lilies are tough enough to withstand our hot summers.
Plant Lilies in a humus rich, well drained soil. Water to establish and keep moist during active growth. They are best protected from the hot afternoon sun.
It is a good idea to fertilise your Lilies, this will help to give you the best blooms. Adding a fertiliser when you first see growth, then again as they are fading is ideal.
If you are growing your Lilies in pots, fertiliser is even more important and in this case a slow release pellet such as Thrive, or a regular application of liquid fertiliser is best. Water the pots regularly, potting mix is perfectly drained so dries out quickly, especially during summer. It is important for the growth of the bulb that regular moisture is maintained.
In warmer climates, it is a good idea to grow your Liliums in part shade or morning sun, as your flowers will last longer.
Why are they called Oriental Lilies? They are a cross of L. auratum (from Japan) and L. speciosum (from Korea). From this humble cross, thousands of amazing varieties have emerged.
Our Tip: when cutting your lilies it is ideal to leave around 1/2 to 2/3 of the stem to keep feeding the bulb so it can produce next year’s flowers.
Supplied as: Bulbs
Size: na
Code | LIZRM |
Botantical name | Lilium hybrid |
Height | 70-170cm |
Width | 20-30cm |
Flowers | Summer |
Climate | Cool to Sub-Tropical |
Availability | Australia wide |
Frost hardiness | Fully Hardy |
Aspect | Full Sun to Semi Shade |
Supplied as | Bulbs |
Size | na |
Water needs | 2 |