Grape Hyacinth Blue

Grape Hyacinth Blue

Economical and abundant.

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We think every garden that can, should have some of these early season sensations. The dense racemes of bright, blue flowers open on dainty stems amid narrow, grass like foliage. They open early in the season and are a welcome sight for gardeners and pollinators. They can be picked for indoor display – even the seed heads look good in a vase.

Grape Hyacinths or Muscari are fantastic in rockeries, pots, nooks and crannies, along pathways, drifts, grass plantings or at the front of beds. The flowers look brilliant by themselves and are dynamite when planted with Miniature Daffodils.

In gardens or pots they are easy companions for tulips and daffodils too, growing below the bigger blooms and filling out the container.

A well drained humus rich soil is ideal but they will cope in poor soils as long as they have good drainage. Plant Grape Hyacinths in a full sun to part shade position; they can flower with just four hours sun a day, and in strong, filtered light. Water them in and then natural rainfall should take care of the rest. The grass like foliage emerges late autumn to winter and is quickly followed by the blooms.

Grape Hyacinth bulbs are best left to naturalise, where they can gradually multiply to form nice clumps. Adding some general purpose fertiliser as the flowers are forming will help to ensure good growth in the coming year.

They are known as Grape Hyacinths because the florets resemble a bunch of grapes, they also have a very light fragrance which is similar to musk or grape. They are native to Mediterranean Europe and South Western Asia.

This is our recommendation for the best display, keeping in mind bulbs look best when planted nice and close together.

14cm/6” = 15 bulbs
20cm/8” = 30 bulbs
25cm/10” = 50 bulbs

See here for more hints and tips:
Top Ten Tips on How to Plant your Spring Bulbs in Pots

Supplied as: Bulbs
Size: na



Botantical name

Muscari armeniacum






Winter to Spring


Cool to Mediterranean


Australia wide

Frost hardiness



Full Sun to Semi Shade

Supplied as




Water needs