Spring bulbs are easier than you think! Especially these naturalising bulbs which can remain in the ground year after year and bring you a stunning show. They are perfect for lazy and busy gardeners alike.


One of the hardest things about spring bulbs is choosing your favourites! By adding to your collection each year you can enjoy some experimentation and create lots of joy and memories along the way.

  • Ixia Mixed

    Versatile and resilient.

  • Tritonia 'Sugar and Spice'

    All things nice.

  • Japanese Spider Lily

    Get them while you can!

  • Peacock Iris

    Exquisitely detailed.

  • Bluebell Blue

    Good multipliers.

  • Bluebells Mixed

    Virtually foolproof.

  • Chincherinchee Elite

    Lovely and tall.

  • Sale-badge

    Sparaxis Mixed

    Easy colour.

    SAVE UP TO $35.50
  • Tritonia 'Cream'

    New in 2025.

  • Star of Bethlehem

    Sublime stars.

  • Sale-badge

    Belladonna Lily 'Pink'

    So good and so easy.

    SAVE UP TO $31.50
  • Black Pearl Lily

    A strong season closer.

  • Grape Hyacinth Blue

    Economical and abundant.

  • Grape Hyacinth 'Fantasy Creation'

    Fantastical flowers.


Spring Star Flowers

These flowers are tough, enduring and oh so pretty. Plant them in a sunny position, then sit back and wait for spring. Plenty of flowers will bloom for months, then they will gradually disappear without any fuss and pop up again next year, likely with even more blooms. You will wonder how you ever did without them.

  • Spring Star Flower 'Mauve'

    Quick and easy.

  • Spring Star Flowers Mixed

    Absolute stars.

  • Spring Star Flower 'Star Bright'

    Prolific and practical.

  • Spring Star Flowers (reduced) Collection

    One of the easiest spring bulbs.



Highly sought after, Alliums provide unforgettable garden displays. Their rounded flowers last an age and are very pickable.

  • Allium 'Purple Rain'

    Highly rated.

  • Allium 'Drumsticks'

    Popular late season blooms.


Cottage Gladioli

Dainty, colourful blooms which are good and hardy. Each stem cam bear multiple flowers (2-3 spikes with around 7 blooms on each) which are marvellous in the garden or in a vase. Unlike the full size varieties, the Cottage versions do not require any staking which is a welcome relief for busy gardeners.

Sold Out Naturalising

  • Spring Star Flowers Collection

    One of the easiest spring bulbs.

    This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

  • Spring Star Flower 'Froyle Mill'

    Fast and furious.

    This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.